There are many ways to meet people and make connections at Albany UU. Check out Windows Weekly Newsletter and the Event Calendar for dates, times, locations, and details of activities listed below. Information below may change from time to time
Most services are open to visitors as well as members. But not all of the activities below are so please check with the organizer before attending. You can also contact the office, 518-463-7135. Office hours are generally Monday, Tuesday, Friday, 9:00am–3:00pm.

Get to Know People
Circle Dinners
A very popular way to meet people in small group settings is by attending one of our monthly Circle Dinners. These informal potluck gatherings let you share good food and conversation with a small group in a relaxed setting. Guests bring part of the meal, homemade or store bought. To get the upcoming date and sign up, check the wall sign-up sheet posted in Channing Hall or the information listed in our Windows Weekly Newsletter. The organizer will reach out to you via email once you sign via the signup sheet in Channing Hall of contacting them via the email provided in the newsletter.
Monthy Circle Dinners are now available for families and adults:
- Family Circle Dinner will be hosted by a congregation member in Channing Hall at Albany UU from 5-8 pm on the first Saturday of the month; children are welcome. Contact Kevin Yeh at to sign up and get the details.
- Adult Circle Dinners in Members’ Homes. The adult dinners are typically scheduled on the 2nd Saturday of the month. To be sure, check the wall sign-up sheet posted in Channing Hall or the announcement in Windows Weekly Newsletter. Once you sign up, coordinators Peggy and John Sherman will match you to a dinner in the home of an Albany UU. Everyone contributes part of the meal. You don’t need to be a gourmet cook — you can bring something from your favorite supermarket or take-out place! For information or to join the Circle Dinner mailing list, email John Sherman.
Silver Bay Weekend. A weekend in this joyous October celebration of community and you will feel as if you’ve been with us for years! Open to all Unitarian Universalists in the Hudson Valley, Silver Bay Weekend is a wonderful time to form and deepen friendships. For information and to register please visit our event listing & registration form. For questions or help registering and to volunteer your help, contact Linda Way or Mike D’Attilio.
Lifespan Learning
- Walker Book Group. We offer a potluck supper and book discussion on the second Sunday of every month (September to June) at 5:30 PM in Channing Hall. Those unable to meet in person may join us on Zoom at 6:30 PM for the book discussion. In winter months we may meet only on Zoom. Check out our Walker Book Group page or the Windows Weekly Newsletter to find out what the upcoming book titles and dates are!
- Congregational Response. This is your opportunity to reflect with the Sunday service presenter on what the service has elicited from you and listen to the responses of others. This takes place each Sunday following service or, if you attend by Zoom, in assigned Zoom Breakout Rooms.
- Meaning Matters groups meet monthly via Zoom from September to May to focus on sharing personal experiences, questions, and insights on a theme of the month. A monthly packet of material including links to articles, videos, books and movies is used to prepare for the monthly meeting. (Groups start in September. You can reach out at any time to ask about joining, but if possible reach out over the summer when the groups are being planned. Contact to express your interest or ask questions.
- Wellspring is designed to promote personal growth and development and, using a specific curriculum, group members commit to meet twice a month for 10 months. There are specific reading requirements before meetings, and participants must agree to develop a daily spiritual practice and work monthly with a spiritual advisor. (Groups form in fall.)
Ongoing Activities
- Bridge Group. Beginners are welcome at our social bridge games. Please consult Windows Weekly Newsletter for any changes. For questions or information on attending, email or call 518-463-7135.
- Choir. The Music Program welcomes all who want to sing. The choir performs September through May, rehearses once a week, and performs approximately three out of every four Sundays. You can simply come to Wednesday night rehearsal from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm or Contact Music Director, Olga Martinez, for more information.
- Philosophy Group: This informal discussion of everyday ideas in everyday language takes place virtually every Tuesday at 10:15 am.
Use this ZOOM link to join:
By phone: 1-929-436-2866
Meeting ID: 987 7102 4708
Password: 0000
- Projects & Quilts (Ps & Qs). Get together to crochet, knit, embroider, and quilt, either for personal use or for a group project to benefit Albany UU. This takes place on Wednesdays at 10:00 am. Usually in Room B-8. Check your current Windows Weekly Newsletter for any change.
- Suddenly Adults Swarming is a social group for adults in their 20s and 30s. They meet once a month.