Visit Us

You’re always welcome here at Albany UU. Please come visit us. Take part in Sunday services where’ll you enjoy music, moments of reflection, stimulating sermons that encourage personal and community growth and our zeal for improving our world. Bring your child to be part of Children & Youth classes. Join us for Coffee Hour and other chances to meet people. Come more than once and build connections with our diverse and welcoming community.
Lifespan Learning. Children and Youth and Adult learning programs support deepening a shared moral and ethical framework to live by. We respect everyone’s approach to personal growth and development, and their relationship to spiritual beliefs. Find support through individual and group inquiry, justice actions, and service opportunities.
Whatever Brings You. Bring your own beliefs and values and your personal journey to find meaning and mystery. We do not impose any dogma or proscribed path for personal development or relationship to spiritual beliefs.
People come to Albany UU for many reasons. Perhaps you relate to some of these:
- A yearning for community and rich friendships.
- A faith community that shares in your celebration of joyous transitions and that provides support during the difficult ones.
- A congregation with an abiding commitment to work for social and climate justice.
- A place to begin or to deepen your own search for purpose and meaning.
- A place to raise your children in a community of shared values with a moral and ethical compass like your own.
- A community that is committed to understanding and supporting the experiences every faith background, race, ethnicity, sex/gender, or disability.
- People with whom you can share your intellectual or spiritual curiosity.
- Join us for hybrid services for our main Sunday service at 10:00am. Read What to Expect in our thought-provoking and soulful services and how to log-into our Zoom link if you cannot come in person.
- Bring your children or teens to visit our Children’s Programs from Pre-K to Grade 12.
- Looking for transformative adult study groups? Check out our small group ministry classes Meaning Matters and Wellspring.
- Looking for connections and community?
- Visit our Welcome Desk as you arrive, introduce yourself during Sunday Service if you feel comfortable doing so, and stick around for coffee hour to meet members and other visitors.
- Share in other opportunities to get involved. Volunteering to help with the many jobs that keep the church running, from ushering and coffee hour setup to becoming a learning guide, participating in Justice teams, and joining the Caring Network to offer a hand to members in need of rides, meals, or support during difficult times.
- Meet people at a monthly pot-luck Circle Dinner at a member’s home.
- Check out and join us at upcoming events.
- Join our Choir – no experience is required. The only requirement is to commit to attending rehearsals on Wednesday nights and before services on the Sundays the choir performs.
Unitarian Universalism changes lives for the better. You will find here possibilities for acceptance, personal transformation, and happiness. As you explore our website or consider visiting, feel free to Contact Us with your questions. We look forward to meeting you.