Legacy Giving
Have you considered putting Albany UU into your will or estate planning process?
The John Cross Legacy Society was established by the Endowment Trust in 2016 as a way to give members and friends a way to contribute to our future sustainability. A legacy gift to is a planned future donation given through a will or other form of designation. It is a decision that each person makes in their own financial planning process, taking into account various wishes and values about charitable giving.

Every legacy gift, regardless of the amount, is important and cherished. What better way to appreciate the impact of Albany UU on your life, or the life of someone you love, than by making a bequest from your estate? Please take some time to consider your options in consultation with your family, lawyer or financial and/or tax advisor.
To become a member of the John Cross Legacy Society, there is a simple application available through the church office (518-463-7135) or contact any member of the Endowment Trust.