Stewardship Campaign Pledge 2024-2025

Warm greetings and thank you for all you do to support Albany UU’s vibrant congregation. We asking you to make a financial pledge during this time of great transition for Albany UU, so we may continue to strengthen and build Beloved Community inside and outside our building.
If we made a word cloud of Albany UU over the past year, there is no doubt that “transition” would pop to the center in 48-point font. We’ve welcomed three interim ministers, even our most tenured staff are relatively new, and the coming year will bring another round of searches for new leadership.
Your pledge to Albany UU plays a critical role in a smooth ministerial transition, and ensures a bright future for our Beloved Community as we “Stretch to Build A New Way”.
As we search for a new interim minister, we are also being sought. Leading a congregation is no easy task. The rare few who seek it out are by no means expecting riches. They are looking to lead a financially healthy congregation. One that grows both the number of supporters and the generosity of their commitments. One that has the ability to fairly renumerate staff for their tireless work. One that carries out its ambitious spiritual vision and mission..
Despite the headwinds facing churches, recent campaigns at Albany UU demonstrate that we are a financially healthy congregation, and your gift this year will continue to bolster the case.
Again, thank you for all you bring to the community of Albany UU. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours in service,
Stewardship Co-chairs Molly Daniels and Chuck Manning