Justice Overview

Albany UU’s Social Justice Team (SJT) collaborates with other organizations in the community on issues of social concern. It focuses on three areas:
- Making a difference in the lives of children and families in the city of Albany,
- Becoming a leader in sustainable environmental practices, and
- Advocating for public policies that are in line with our UU values and principles.
The first principle of Unitarian Universalism calls us to respect the inherent worth and dignity of every person and the interrelated web of existence. We care deeply about working for peace and righting social and climate wrongs.
You will find here people putting the power of community into action, educating ourselves and participating in service projects and direct justice actions that can make a difference and draw broader attention to justice issues.
Climate Justice. Our Green Sanctuary Team rounds up congregation and community members to learn about climate justice and congregation, Albany UU participates in climate action initiatives at the local, national, and global levels and strives to aid neighboring communities to organize energy conservation efforts and environmental improvements. We have also added solar panels to our own building to reduce carbon emissions from our electricity use.
Social Justice. The Social Justice Team endeavors to break down divisions, heal isolation, and stop oppression. We organize fund drives to make contributions to local organizations that serve the poor and hungry. The team has a long-standing commitment to aiding economically-disadvantaged neighbors and organizing member volunteers to help young people in the nearby Sheridan Preparatory School.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. As reflected in our adoption in 2022 of the 8th UUA Principal: “We believe in building the beloved community, free from racism and oppression.” Our members strive to go beyond stereotypes, to continually better our understanding and embrace of each other regardless of our faith, our race or ethnicity, our LGBTQ identity, or our disabilities. Our justice efforts are grounded in our congregational commitment to break down divisions, heal isolation, and honor the interconnectedness of all life and all justice issues. Our goal is to continually improve our understanding and our abilities to be just, welcoming, and inclusive.