A smiling young mother and her two boys with a smiling white-haired woman at counter.

You are always welcome to bring your family to our Sunday morning programs.

We recommend contacting our Director of Child & Youth Programs Elizabeth Baldes beforehand if you can, by email or by calling (518) 463-7135. She can discuss our program’s vision and more detailed information relevant to your child/children’s ages, and answer any questions or concerns you may have.

Please sign in at the welcome desk in the front lobby and get name tags for all members of your party. On most Sundays, the Welcome Desk greeter will direct you to Community Hall for Sunday Service or, if you have children under three years of age, to one of three places for their care (see information for parents of very young children here). After the opening welcome and song, a Wisdom Story will be read from the Sunday service platform, and the congregation will sing a song while you accompany your child(ren) to their classroom(s).

On the first Sunday of the month, October-December and February-May, there is a special Family Chapel in the Sanctuary at 10:00 am that you are welcome to attend. This special service for our children and youth can be a nice way for a new family to see some of the people involved in our Programs for Children & Youth.

You can find out more ahead of time about what is happening, or which group your child should go to, by contacting our Director of Child & Youth Programs Elizabeth Baldes via email or by phone (518) 463-7135. She is also usually on-hand in the lobby when you first arrive and can direct you from there as well.

We ask that you leave with the volunteer or teacher the name and contact number for a responsible adult in your party, along with any relevant health information about your child, such as food allergies. This enables our volunteers to provide the safest possible environment for all of the children and youth in their care. You can then return to the main Sunday service, or sit out the service in Channing Hall or Joy Library. We do expect that the responsible adult for your child(ren) will remain in the facility and return to pick them up at their classroom by 11:15 am.

If it’s your first visit, we recommend you arrive by 9:45 am to get your visitor name tags and directions to the right classroom(s) and other relevant building areas. There is an easel sign in the lobby by the office window with information about that day’s happenings for children and youth. You are responsible for your child (or children) once groups end around 11:15 am, with younger children being picked up from their classroom, and older ones being released on their own to find their grownups. With older children and youth, you may want to discuss and select a meeting place. Channing Hall, where Coffee Hour takes place, can be a good spot for this.