Office hours are generally Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, 9:00 am-3:00 pm. It’s always a good idea to call ahead if you plan to stop by our facility. The number is (518) 463-7135.

You can also identify which staff member you need to reach out to on our minister and staff page.


Most of our important congregational documents are stored in the online congregational File Cabinet. If you are looking for a document, it probably lives there.  If not, reach out to

Use this form to request a meeting space in the building or on Zoom.

Use this form for a Joys and Sorrows submission for an upcoming Sunday Service.

The Endowment Trust (ET) of the First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany (Albany UU) seeks to promote the congregation’s mission by providing grants from its earnings that support special Albany UU projects or mission-related expenses. Get more information by contacting our Administrator.


It takes a lot of people to operate and govern a congregation our size.  Our members are the foundation of the Albany Unitarian Universalist congregation. Through the democratic process, members have adopted the congregation’s mission statement, vision, and congregational covenant. Members also called the Minister as our religious leader and head of staff and elected the Board of Directors and Nominating Committee members. In regular meetings that are open to the congregation, the Board determines strategic direction, establishes policy, and provides oversight of congregational programs and administration. To learn more about our elected leaders and governance, consult our Governance page, and related documents in the File Cabinet.

Breeze Church Management System

Click HERE to sign into Breeze, a password-protected site for Albany UU members to

  • Access the Dashboard for Upcoming Events and other information.
  • Access the People directory of our members and friends.
  • Check the status of your pledge.
  • Edit your contact information.

Click HERE to view a calendar of ALL events happening at Albany UU. Requests to schedule an event can be submitted using this form.

Pastoral Care

Need to Talk? Albany UU Pastoral Care Associates are here to listen!

Our Pastoral Care Associates have been trained in compassionate listening skills and are available to all members and friends of our congregation. To contact a Pastoral Care Associate, email: or contact

Viewing Prior Services or Sermons

View the Order of Service for past Sunday Services HERE. Sermon videos are also being added as they are readied.

Church Office



Windows Weekly newsletter, emailed on Thursdays, is the main source of Albany UU news and events.


Find us on Facebook

We also have two closed groups on Facebook: “Albany UU News & Updates” and  “Albany UU Social Action Issues.” You can request to become a member of either group by sending an email to

Follow us on Twitter @AlbanyUU

Follow us on YouTube