Archives: Services

The Power of Stigma

Stigma can be harmful when we let it affect our mental health, especially in HIV/AIDS, mental health and addiction.

Erik vonHausen is a proud member of Albany UU and the church’s sexton, who has preached several times before. Hopefully, they were memorable sermons. He is a … read more.

We Come to Church to Cry

Have you ever noticed someone crying in church? Have you been that person? Rev. Amanda Poppei explores what it means to be a place where we can bring our fullest, truest selves – including the messy parts – and why this just might be the … read more.


Juneteenth has been hailed as America’s second independence day. It’s the oldest known celebration commemorating the end of slavery in the United States, and it was officially proclaimed a national holiday in 2021. Michael Hornsby, the service leader, will explore the reasons why it is important that … read more.

A Protest and a Party

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As we celebrate and welcome everyone, regardless of their gender or sexual orientation, we are reminded not to become complacent. Individual rights are still under attack in certain circles. Members of the LGBTQ+ community will share their personal experiences and challenges.

All … read more.

A Veritable Bouquet

Flower Communion and more. In addition to the sharing of flowers at this annual communion, we will celebrate three rites of passage: the dedication of Jinora Zinnia Nimz, the ‘crossing of the bridge’ from childhood to youth of three of our teens, and the final Sunday … read more.

Kindling the Flame

“Our separate fires will kindle one flame” at this year’s edition of our annual Youth Group/Volunteer Appreciation service celebrating the passions, perspectives, and talents of our Youth Group and Coming of Age participants. We will also take some time to appreciate the fire of commitment … read more.

Gifts of Love

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May 12 is Mothers Day and we’ll be honoring some of the ‘parents’ of this congregation who have contributed to its history, inspired connections, and opened ways for the future.