Topic: Spirituality

Birth of the Seventh Principle

Our understanding of the interconnectedness of all life can be traced to one man and one moment. In 1802 Alexander Van Humboldt stood on a mountaintop. As he surveyed the land below, he thought of all the mountains he had climbed, jungles, rivers, prairies, and … read more.

God-talk or Not?

Pam Collins and Reverend Linda Hoddy will discuss the use of religious language at Albany UU. We often wrestle with this question in choosing words for sermons, readings, music, and sometimes in classes. Pam takes the position that we should encourage spirituality but forgo the … read more.

Many and One

“The Spirit overseeing all, Eternal Love, remains.” Those words by John Greenleaf Whittier appear in our hymnal as “Immortal Love”(#10).   How can we access that love?  Is that Love the source of all? Dare we call it God? As we work through conflicts, whether here … read more.

Heartwood: The Season of Introspection

A Solstice Service

Please join Vida Wehren, Lois Porter, Betsey Miller, and Pam Collins for a Solstice celebration in the sanctuary at 6:30PM. There will be light refreshments in Channing afterwards.