Archives: Services

Coming of Age in the 21st Century

Eight young people in our congregation have spent a year exploring Unitarian Universalism, values, faith, and action. They have created this service to reflect their experience of “Coming of Age,” our 9th-grade program, and to offer hopeful and fresh perspectives on living in these times.

Be a Blessing

In the book of Genesis, God says to Abram, “and you shall be a blessing.” Rachel Naomi Remen writes, “We are all born to be a blessing.” What does it mean to bless each other, and bless the world, with our lives? Join us for … read more.

Making the Connections

We live in a society that constantly tells us we’re individual producers and consumers – but we are so much more. Unitarian Universalism’s vision of the interconnected web draws us into deeper relationship with one another and with all life.

Beloved Community, Then and Now

This Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend we reflect on King’s vision of Beloved Community: in 1966 and in 2016. We’ll hear from veterans of the Civil Rights movement and activists in Black Lives Matter about the spirituality of social change.

Savor the World

As the world speeds up, it can get harder to slow down. How do we remind ourselves to breathe, to notice, to take it all in, to process our experiences? Even as we work to save the world, how do we stop and savor it?

Making War, Making History

This Memorial Day, a US Army Chaplain reflects with us on the history of war: the large political stories and small personal stories that lead us toward or away from armed conflict. In our radically interconnected world, we awaken to the ways history has shaped … read more.

Our Blue Planet

Climate change is real, and we are part of it. How do we nourish our spirits and foster hope, keeping ourselves from slipping into despair? Join us for music, meditation, and inspiration.

Take Me to Church

Join us for this reflection on love, sexuality, and spirituality in our lives. Whether single or partnered, straight, bi, or gay, cisgendered or trans, our sexuality is a significant and life-giving part of who we are spiritually.