Speaker: Rev Linda Hoddy

God-talk or Not?

Pam Collins and Reverend Linda Hoddy will discuss the use of religious language at Albany UU. We often wrestle with this question in choosing words for sermons, readings, music, and sometimes in classes. Pam takes the position that we should encourage spirituality but forgo the … read more.

Toward Trust

Toward Trust Feb 4 OOSDownload

We are suffering from a lack of trust in our society. For often good reasons, we don’t trust our major institutions: Government, law enforcement, education, politics, financiers, the workplace, religion…. Where is there lack of trust in your life? In your family? In our … read more.

Many and One

“The Spirit overseeing all, Eternal Love, remains.” Those words by John Greenleaf Whittier appear in our hymnal as “Immortal Love”(#10).   How can we access that love?  Is that Love the source of all? Dare we call it God? As we work through conflicts, whether here … read more.