What to Expect

We welcome all to join with us for Sunday morning service at 10:00 am in Community Hall, where we deepen our understanding of meaningful living, being part of a supportive community, and lifting our hearts with song. Sharing in this weekly gathering creates connections within, among, and beyond us, calling us to our better selves, to live with wisdom and compassion.
Our Sunday service includes:
- Words of welcome
- Lighting a flaming chalice, the symbol of our faith.
- A multi-generational segment, such as a “story for all ages.” We also offer childcare and learning programs for children and youth during the Sunday service.
- Musical performance by the choir or instrumentalists, and singing by the whole congregation.
- A time for lifting up the joys and concerns of the congregation.
- A meditation or prayer.
- Readings—ancient or contemporary.
- A sermon given by our minister, a guest speaker, or a member of the congregation.
- An offering, collecting financial donations for the congregation or for justice work in the community.
From time to time, our service incorporates holiday celebrations, multi-generational plays and pageants, longer musical performances, child dedications, and coming-of-age ceremonies for our youth.
Our Unitarian Universalist community is committed to seeking shared values of truth and meaning, pursuing justice through inspired action, and cultivating compassion and love for all connected by the web of life. We embrace all beliefs, welcome all races, ethnicities, genders and sexual orientations, and work hard to be fully accessible to people of all abilities.
As you explore our website and learn about our congregation, feel free to email us or call (518) 463-7135 with any questions.
Attend in Person or Remotely
In Person. Our Sunday service is available in-person at 405 Washington Ave, Albany, NY or via Zoom (instructions below). We start promptly at 10:00 am and end by 11:15 am. Please try to arrive by 9:55 am.
Children are Welcome. You may want to bring your children from nursery through Grade 12 to Sunday service with you. You’ll also find a warm welcome for them during Sunday service in our age-specific learning programs for Children and Youth.
Remotely. Sunday Service by Zoom: 10:00 am to 11:15 am
Meeting ID: 299 018 7785
Password: 0000
To dial in by phone: 1-(929) 436-2866

Join us for Coffee Hour or Breakout Rooms. Immediately after Sunday service ends, all in-person attendees are invited to a coffee hour hosted by volunteers in Channing Hall. Zoom visitors may wish to stay online for fellowship and conversation in Zoom breakout rooms.s.
Health & Safety. The health and safety of the church community continues to be our top priority, and we thank everyone for their understanding and flexibility Face masks the are welcome, but not required, during most gatherings.
The Offering
Even if you have pledged a monthly or annual contribution you can always up your giving with an additional contribution during the Sunday service Offering. This can be done:
- By placing your cash or check into the collection plate when our ushers pass it during the Offering.
- Online at https://secure.myvanco.com/L-Z4VS/.
- By texting the amount and fund for your donation to (844) 976-2618. Simply text the amount and fund (for example: 20 offering or 20 pledge) to (844) 976-2618. Here is a written guide with visuals if you need further assistance.
- By mail to Albany UU, 405 Washington Ave., Albany, NY 12206.
- Please make all checks payable to Albany UU.
Joys and Sorrows
The sharing of joys and sorrows is an important part of being in community with each other. We want to know when we can celebrate with you or support you. There are several ways you can share a significant personal milestone.
- In person. During Sunday service, we allow time for members to reflect on and honor joys and sorrows in their lives. Members wishing to do so can come forward to place a stone in a wooden bowl and then return to their seats, or share their personal milestone at the microphone.
- On Zoom, note in Chat or raise your electronic hand during Joys & Sorrows so the technician can put you through live to the congregation.
- By submitting a form in advance. You can instead elect to submit a form in advance your milestone and indicate if you would like it read aloud at the Sunday service. Include your contact info if you would like a Pastoral Care Associate, or the Minister, to follow up with you. Forms should be submitted by noon on Thursday to guarantee they will be read the following Sunday.
Pastoral Care Assistance Available
Need to talk? Our Pastoral Care Associates will introduce themselves should congregation members wish to reach out to them after the service or via email. They have been trained in compassionate listening skills and are available to all members and friends of our congregation.
Community Message
On a regular basis, a member of the congregation will offer a short, inspirational, personal message about some aspect of our congregational life. To volunteer, contact admin@albanyuu.org or revann@albanyuu.org.