Volunteering service to our congregation and the community we live in is part of our Unitarian Universalist ethic. UUs live their faith by doing. Below are just a few ways to get involved. Please also consult the job descriptions listed in our File Cabinet, keep an eye on Windows Weekly News, and/or call the office about other opportunities.

Request a “Growth Through Service” Conversation

Growth Through Service (GTS) is about tapping into what connects you to Albany UU. Our GTS committee would love to help you learn more about ways you can help out — now or over time. We want to learn about you so that we can help you connect and collaborate in ways that mean the most to you. And we want to celebrate all that you bring to Albany UU. Visit our GTS page to check out a video of members discussing why they give service, and request a conversation.

Volunteering Deepens Your Connection

Here are some examples of ways to get involved.

For Sunday Morning Service:

  • Online. Online greeters and ushers are needed to provide a welcoming, safe, and enjoyable experience for all attending Sunday service virtually. Online ushers let people into the Zoom session from the virtual waiting room and assist them into optional post-service breakout rooms for short chances to meet other members and discuss the service. Training will be provided.
  • On-Site.
    • Welcome Table greeters to welcome and assist visitors.Ushers to help all visitors and members get programs and hymnals, and find comfortable seating before the service. They conduct the Offertory collection. And after the service, they again help everyone as they leave Community Hall, and then help with shutting down the hall once everyone has left.
    • Coffee Hour volunteers make coffee and put out food refreshments donated by members. We now have church groups sign up to host a specific coffee hour. But we always need more volunteers to prepare and bring in ready-to-eat baked goods, fruit and cheese, and savory snacks to feed our hungry adults, children, and teens after Sunday service.
    • Assist the Welcoming Committee. We always need more help with this important function. You can help with greeting newcomers on Sunday morning and helping them get situated with name tags and information, answering their questions before and after the service, fielding email and phone inquiries, and guiding newcomers who become interested in joining Albany UU through the Become a Member process. Contact Chair Barbara Manning, email our office or call (518) 463-7135.

Become a Stewardship Volunteer. The Stewardship Campaign is from April to June 30th every year. This is the period when we ask members to pledge their contribution for the 2023-2024 fiscal year. Please contact Chuck Manning to volunteer for:

  • Stewardship Pledge Committee. Let us make a videotape or audiotape to share during Sunday services explaining why you are committed to supporting Albany UU with a financial pledge. We need four people to give these three- to five-minute testimonials.
  • Volunteer to make pledge calls to members for our next Stewardship Pledge campaign from April 1st to June 30th.
  • Don’t forget to Pledge Yourself!

Join Our Choir. The Music Program welcomes all who want to sing in the Albany UU choir. The choir performs from September through May, rehearses once a week, and performs approximately three out of every four Sundays. For more information contact Music Director Olga Martinez.

Volunteer to Host a Circle Dinner. Circle Dinners are informal potluck meals held every month on Saturdays every month. They are a wonderful way to welcome newcomers and connect with existing members. Hosting a dinner is easy. Everyone contributes part of the meal. Contact John Sherman.

Join or Support the Green Sanctuary Team. The GST encourages the congregation and community members to learn about the climate crisis and environmental justice. Albany UU participates in climate action initiatives at the local, national, and global levels and strives to aid neighboring communities to organize energy conservation efforts and environmental improvements. Contact Chuck Manning.

Join or Support the Social Justice Team’s endeavors to break down divisions, heal isolation, and stop oppression. We organize fund drives to make contributions to local organizations that serve the poor and hungry. The team has a long-standing commitment to aiding economically-disadvantaged neighbors and organizing member volunteers to help young people in the nearby Sheridan Preparatory School. Contact poppej@sage.edu.

Become a Guide with our Teaching Team. Sharing the excitement of learning and exploring new ideas with children is a very special experience. Volunteers often say that they learn as much, or more, from the young people as the young people do from the volunteers. The fresh outlook of children and youth helps us adults to keep our youthful perspective. Contact Director of Children & Youth Programs Elizabeth Baldes.

Gardening Team. Help maintain our attractive gardens from May – September! Contact our office.

Flower Committee. The committee organizes volunteers to bring in the Sunday morning service bouquet. Contact our office.

Pastoral Care Associates. Join us in lending a listening ear. Training required. Contact Sharon Babala.

Get the word out. Follow and share pages and posts, and write reviews, our social media platforms:
