Annual Meeting 2023
Sunday, May 21, 2023
Albany UU Community Hall
12:00 pm – ????? pm
Also available via Zoom
10:00 am – 11:00 am Sunday Service
11:00 am – 12:00 pm Coffee Hour
12:00 pm – xx:xx pm Annual Meeting

The Albany UU Annual Meeting is the forum at which members’ ballot votes are counted for the 2022-2023 budget proposal and any resolutions. All church members will receive ballots by mail and must return them to the office by the deadline below. The meeting itself open to all members.
May 1st Deadline to Submit Annual Reports. All Annual Reports must be emailed to no later than May 1st. [Sam/Darlene, is this still the correct email?]
[Jan: Sam – is the mail-in ballot offered as an alternative to voting in-person or via Zoom? Affects the next paragraphs.]
May 19th Deadline for Election Ballots to Be Received. Ballots for all elections will be handled by mail. Active members eligible to vote will receive a ballot by mail, along with a self-addressed stamped envelope for returning the completed ballot.
IMPORTANT: To be counted all ballots must be RECEIVEDin the Albany UU Office by mail or in-person. Please call ahead if you plan to stop by the church. The office will be open during Sunday service or during weekly office hours: Monday, Tuesday, and Friday, 9:00 –3:00 pm. Please call ahead to 518-793-7135 or email
2022-2023 Ballot Items. Below are links to the proposed budget and resolutions to be presented for a vote at the meeting are below. Hard copies may also be picked up in the lobby.
[Note to Sam: who has this year’s documents for Budget, Candidates and Resolutions]
- Learn about our candidates here [this is last year’s doc]
- Resolution 1
- Resolution 2
- Resolution xx
- View the proposed 2022-23 budget here [this is last year’s doc]
- View the 2021-2022 Annual Report here [this is last year’s doc]
How to Attend
In-person: Albany UU Community Hall; open to all congregation members
Zoom: Use Sunday Service link
To dial in by phone: 1-929-436-2866
Meeting ID: 299 018 7785
Password: 0000
Important Zoom Voting Requirement. Zoom voting can only be accomplished by one person per screen, whether a computer, laptop, tablet, or smart phone. If you have more than one eligible voter in your household, you will need to vote on separate devices, even if you view the meeting together using one screen. If you do not have separate devices that feature screens, separate votes can be tallied using a regular cell phone or house phone. [not clear – does this mean a smartphone????] And if you do not have any device that features a screen, you can still participate in, and vote during, the annual meeting on a regular cell phone or house phone.
Votes from 2022-2023 Proposals
[LINKs TO PDFs – if we want to do this again, we will need someone to prepare PDFs stating outcomes for each of this year’s items. Thoughts? If yes, who would do that?]
Learn More about Albany UU Governance. [link to About/Governance]